Terms and Privacy

Please respect the content on this website, it is copyright of Kelli Waldock, unless over wise stated or credited. Please do not copy for any purpose any of the content on this website without permission from Kelli Waldock.

Every blog post on this website is written in order to assist or to inform, and the information provided is to be taken on board with your own circumstances in mind. For example if you suffer from any skin conditions or irritations please check with your specialist or medical professional before using any of the products I recommend. I am not responsible for any action you may take after visiting my website.

I only link to websites that I have good faith in, but I am not responsible for any third party content, or for any damage to your computer at the time of visiting my website or any third party website.

For any photographers or brides that appear in the images on this website, if you have not been credited, please do email me or my PR and we will add a name credit and link to your website.